For this Giving Tuesday, I want to share my path with you and ask for your help in bringing LYF to people in need. I didn’t plan to stay in the Philippines. Initially, I came here to set up a call center for my business. Silicon Valley is my brain’s home.But the more time I spent here, the clearer it …
Blog Posts
Never helping just one
The social network in the Philippines is very strong—online, but also very much in person. I began building mine a decade ago, and it has expanded to friends of friends of friends of… ad infintum. Word has gotten out that I help people, so when there is a need, it’s not unusual to get a message from someone I’ve never …
LYF Receives License to Transact Business in the Philippines
As of September 24, 2024, Loving Yourself Forward Inc. has now officially established a branch in the Philippines.
A Lily blooms again
I’ve known Lily since she was 12, about four years. Lily’s family, one of our community families, has no parents. Her father left to start a new family when she was young, and her mother passed away, leaving the eldest sister to take care of whoever she can. On September 6, Lily was struck by a taxi. Once diagnosed, we …
Our Approach
LYF exists for a very simple reason—to help the poorest and most vulnerable with basic needs, such as food, shelter, and medicine. Those in need are typically referred by friends, and grants are frequently made to individuals and families.
Some, often teenagers, are both food and housing insecure due to family dynamics, and need more comprehensive help. That’s why we’re establishing a community house as a safe space to meet those basic needs, as well as offer a supportive, loving environment to teach life skills and responsibility.