Loving Yourself Forward

Our pilot program is based in Cebu City, a vibrant, family-oriented community where remittances form 12% of the economy. However, for those outside the educated, professional class, resources and opportunities are scarce, making daily survival a challenge. LYF is here to support the most impoverished urban families in Cebu City.

The Challenges:

Food Insecurity: This stressor places a strain on family providers, often mothers, to bring in income by any means possible, and teenage children may be pressured to either 'find money' or leave home to ease the family's burden.

Education Costs: Public education still incurs fees for school, food, and transportation, making it unaffordable for many.

Medical Costs:: If someone in the family gets sick, especially the breadwinner, medical costs can be devastating, since most low-income families do not have any savings to cover emergencies.

Social Pressures: Girls as young as twelve often turn to social media and transactional relationships for validation and income, with cultural norms reinforcing acceptability.

Lack of Identification: Without the recently-introduced national ID cards and no school ID, many lack the necessary documentation to find better work opportunities.

COVID-19 Impact: The pandemic exacerbated these issues, pushing more teenagers and young mothers toward prostitution as a means of survival.

Our Approach:

LYF uses a three-pronged strategy to create lasting change.

LOVING YOURSELF FORWARD • 1207 Delaware Avenue #2606, Wilmington, Delaware 19806, USA • LYFiscoming@gmail.com

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